IgAN Connect | Elevated IgA Nephropathy Care Starts Here

Elevated IgA Nephropathy Care Starts Here

Explore resources, treatment options,
and real patient stories.

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) or you’ve been living with the disease for many years, we are here to support you. 

All individuals featured on this website are real people living with IgA nephropathy.
They have been compensated for their time.

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About IgAN

Understand IgAN, a chronic autoimmune disease that is thought to start in the gut.

Managing IgAN​

Find out more about current approaches to reduce the loss of irreversible kidney damage caused by IgAN.

IgAN Resources

Discover resources that may help support you in monitoring your well-being.


There is a treatment option available that may be right for you.